domingo, octubre 21, 2012

Expotar Notas de Outlook a una carpeta de Windows


There are a lot of people who want a free way to export their Outlook notes to text files.  From there they can do many useful things like send them to Google Docs or put them in a Dropbox folder, both of which can then sync them from a PC to an Android device.  Here is a step by step method of exporting those notes.  It may seem tricky, but it really is simple and should take all of 5 minutes to complete.  The notes will be exported into text files with the same name as the notes.  The exception is that note names with "/" or "\" will have those characters replaced with a hyphen ("-").
  • Create a folder on the root of the C: drive called "Notes" (C:\Notes).
  • Open Outlook.
  • Press ALT-F11 which will open Outlook's Visual Basic window.
  • Click on Insert (top toolbar) and Module.  You should see a new window pane open labeled something like Project1, Module1.
  • Copy the following code and paste it in the Module1 window pane: 
Sub NotesToText()
    Set myNote = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI").PickFolder
    For cnt = 1 To myNote.Items.Count
        noteName = Replace(Replace(Replace(myNote.Items(cnt).Subject, "/", "-"), "\", "-"), ":", "-")
        myNote.Items(cnt).SaveAs "c:\notes\" & noteName & ".txt", OlSaveAsType.olTXT
End Sub
  • Click on Run (top toolbar) and then "Run Sub/Userform".
  • A window will pop up asking you to select the folder where your notes are located.  For most people, this will simply be your normal Notes folder.  Select the Notes folder and then select OK.  The Notes are exported at this point.
  • Close the Microsoft Visual Basic window.
  • Close Outlook.  You will receive a popup window asking if you want to save the VBA project.  Answer No.
  • Look in the Notes folder on the C: drive to find your notes.

If you received a "Run time error", click End and then check the following:
  • Did you REALLY name the folder "Notes" in the root of the C: drive?
  • If you changed the name of the folder, did you REALLY end the path name with a backslash?
  • Select Run and then "Run Sub/Userform" again.

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