domingo, junio 24, 2018

How to Hide or Unhide ZIP File in Picture (PNG/JPEG/GIF)


Part 1: How to Hide ZIP File in Picture

Which files you can hide in picture?

Text files, programs, sound files, pictures, videos and much more, but you must be sure they have been compressed as .zip file.

Guide to hide zip file in picture with command prompt

Step 1: Compress files you want to hide as a .zip file.

Step 2: Create a new folder X in C:\ drive, such as C:\Users\isunshare\Desktop\X. Inside the folder, place the zip file (called and a picture (called picture.png) that will hide everything.


Step 3: Open command prompt and drill down to the directory of folder that holds the zip file and image.

When the command prompt opens, you can use the cd command to change directory.


Step 4: Enter command to merge zip file and image file into new image file.

copy /b isunshare.png



  1. The new image file is named isunshare.png.
  2. The new image file should be the same file type as the old image file. So it is PNG file.
  3. copy /b” command just makes a binary copy of the files picture.png and
  4. The file you get at last can be opened with 7-zip, WinRAR or an image editor.

All is done. You have a new picture that has files hidden inside it now. You can delete the original files you wanted hidden.


From now on, besides you, probably there is no person knowing what are hidden in the image. But if even you forgot which files are hidden in it, how can you find hidden files in picture or unhide zip file in picture?

Part 2: How to Unhide ZIP File in Picture

At this moment, the best way to find hidden files in picture is to extract it with compression software, such as WinRAR. Now let’s see how to extract hidden files from image with WinRAR.

1. Open compression software, WinRAR.

2. Navigate to the directory of picture that hides files.

3. Select the picture and click Extract To button on WinRAR toolbar.


4. Confirm the destination path of folder you would get after extraction. And click OK in Extraction path and optionswindow.


If the zip file has been encrypted before hiding in picture, a dialog would pop up now and ask for zip password. Just enter password and click OK, and it would successfully extract the picture you select. Suppose zip password forgot, you would need to recover zip password with iSunshare ZIP Password Genius at first.


After successfully extracting hidden files from picture, go to destination path, you can see the files which has ever been saved in .zip file.


viernes, junio 22, 2018

Cómo ocultar texto en una imagen

Open Notepad, leave the first two lines empty and then type the text you want to hide. Then save it to the folder you selected.

Now, also copy the JPG file you want to hide text in, in the same folder. The folder should now look something like this.

copy /b Name-of-initial-image.jpg + Name-of-file-containing-text-you-want-to-hide.txt Resulting-image-name.jpg

viernes, junio 15, 2018

Encriptamiento de carpetas y archivos–Windows, OneDrive, Google Drive, Dropbox

Hay muchas alternativas para hacerlo.

Desde encriptar todo el disco con BitLocker, que me parece demasiado, hasta la berretada que hago yo. En mi caso no tengo muchos archivos que me "preocupan". Un Excel con mis passwords, otra con datos de cuantas de bancos y tarjetas y poca cosa más. Los tengo en .rar o podría ser un .zip o un .7z que tienen tiene contraseña (cuando le ponés contraseña se encripta). A su vez a los documentos que tengo adentro también les pongo contraseña. En ambos casos 123 como pass es cagada. Hay programas las desculan fácil, hay que usar contraseñas seguras. Claro, si te agarra un comando conjunto de la CIA, la KGB, el MI16 y el Mosad cagaste.

Para editar no los extraigo, si no que abro el .rar o lo que sea, doble click, lo edito y lo guardo.

De programas más específicos estuve leyendo un poco, no probé nada, me pareció muy interesante Las dudan que me quedan es que parece no tener una App para Android y no me queda claro si podés editar los archivos e través de la web. La otra duda es si se puede encriptar sólo algunas carpetas o si hay que encriptar toda la carpeta OneDrive.

Otro que es similar, es Sí tiene App para Android e iOs. Las otras dudas también aplican a este.

Este está bueno también pero tiene Trial (que no aclara si al terminar se muere o qué) su no 39 us$

domingo, junio 03, 2018

Yandex Mail alias


Domain alias
When you receive mail, you immediately receive it on different domains:
That is,, ... are the same, the letters will come to the same box.