jueves, noviembre 30, 2017

FoxyDb - Librería de conexión a Servidores de Bases de Datos desde VFP


Desarrollada por Antonio Meza Pérez

¿Que es FoxyDb?

Es una librería Gratis (OpenSource) para Visual Fox Pro 9.0 sp2 que nos permite conectarnos a servidores de Bases de Datos como Mysql, MariaDB, FireBird de forma transparente para el Programador, en el futuro PostgreSQL, Sql Server, (¿y por qué no otros más?), con solo cambiar una simple propiedad de la librería funcionara de forma transparente con cualquier servidor de datos, ajustando posiblemente algunas instrucciones SQL propias de cada servidor, que no son un estándar SQL y los parámetros de conexión a los diferentes servidores.

martes, octubre 17, 2017

Conectar una impresora a un módem router Technicolor

How do I set up multiple computers to share a printer using the Thomson TG782T, Technicolor TG587n or TG582n Home Network Gateway Home Network Gateway?

The Technicolour Home Network gateways allow you to share your printer with multiple computers. This means you can print documents from any computer connected in the home to a single printer (The gateway supports most common printers.)


To do this, you will need to perform the following steps on each computer. Note: All the computers need to be connected to the gateway.

Step 1 of 10
You will need to first install the printer drivers on the computer if you have not done so already. Follow the following instructions to install the driver:

  • Plug in the printer to the computer directly.
  • Follow the instructions to install the printer driver on the computer. The printer driver software should have been provided by your printer manufacturer.

Step 2 of 10
Plug in the printer into the USB port on the side of the Thomson gateway. Click on Start -> Control Panel -> Printers.


Step 3 of 10
Click on Add a printer


Step 4 of 10

Select Add a local printer and click Next.

Step 5 of 10
Select Create a new port and choose Standard TCP/IP Port from the drop down menu.


Step 6 of 10
Type in in the Hostname or IP address field. Click Next. It will try and detect the TCP/IP port but will not be able to find it and prompt for more information.

Step 7 of 10
Select Custom and click on the Settings button.

Step 8 of 10
Select LPR and type in TG782 printer in the Queue Name field. It will then search for the printer driver.

Step 9 of 10
Select your printer manufacturer and model. Click Next.


Step 10 of 10
Type in a printer name and click Next. This should complete the installation process. You should now be able to print using the shared printer.

If you would like to enable another computer to print to the shared printer, repeat the above steps with the other computer.

miércoles, octubre 04, 2017

Cómo extraer el audio de un vídeo con VLC

[De: http://www.proyectoautodidacta.com/comics/como-extraer-el-audio-de-un-video-con-vlc/]

Cómo extraer el audio de un vídeo con VLC (I)

Cómo extraer el audio de un vídeo con VLC (II)


VLC contiene unas funciones de conversión bastante potentes que nos permiten pasar con facilidad un vídeo de un formato a otro.

No vamos a entrar en ellas, pero sí vamos a revisar rápidamente una que puede ser muy útil: la extracción del audio de un vídeo.

Para hacerlo, seguimos los siguientes pasos:

Abrimos el VLC, vamos al menú “Medio” y seleccionamos la opción “Convertir”. También podemos pulsar el atajo de teclado CTRL+R.

Se nos abrirá la ventana “Abrir medio”. Clicamos en el botón “Añadir” y seleccionamos el vídeo del cual queremos extraer el audio.

Una vez añadido, clicamos en el botón “Convertir/Guardar”.

Se nos mostrará la ventana “Convertir”. En el apartado “preferencias”, nos vamos a lista desplegable “Perfil” y seleccionamos “Audio – MP3”.

Después, en “Destino”, clicamos en “Explorar” para seleccionar la carpeta donde guardar el archivo de audio y escribimos el nombre que tendrá.

Por último, clicamos en “Iniciar”.

El VLC empezará a hacer la conversión. Su avance se nos mostrará por medio del control deslizante. El tiempo que tardará en hacer la conversión dependerá de la extensión del vídeo.

Una vez haya terminado, tendremos en la carpeta indicada el archivo de audio extraído.

Por lo general, con esto será suficiente para hacer una extracción común. También podemos personalizar la calidad del audio, pero eso es algo más avanzado y no vamos a entrar en ello.

Cómo descargar vídeos de YouTube con VLC Media Player

[De: https://www.mediatrends.es/a/99633/como-descargar-videos-de-youtube-vlc-media-player/]

¿Cuántas veces has visto un vídeo de YouTube y has querido guardarlo pero no has sabido cómo? Seguro que muchas y es más fácil de lo que imaginas. Sólo necesitarás tener VLC Media Player actualizado y seguir una serie de pasos para guardar el archivo en tu ordenador. Así que lee con atención porque te explicamos cómo descargar vídeos de YouTube.

Si ya sabes cómo descargar vídeos de Facebook y conoces la app YouTube Go para ver y descargar vídeos offline, es hora de aprender a hacerlo desde VLC Media Player.

¿Cómo descargar vídeos de YouTube?

Para empezar, debes asegurarte de tener la última versión de VLC Media Player en tu ordenador. Una vez hecho esto, es hora de elegir el vídeo que quieres descargar y copiar la URL.


Ve a VLC Media Player y busca en el menú Medios la opción ‘Abrir dispositivo de captura’ (‘Open Capture Device’ en inglés) y clica sobre él. Cuando lo hagas, se abrirá una nueva ventana. Busca la opción ‘Red’(Network en inglés), copia el enlace de YouTube y dale al Play.


Cuando el vídeo empiece a reproducirse, busca en la barra del menú la opción Herramientas y selecciona ‘Información multimedia’ (Media Information). Se abrirá una ventana con la información relevante sobre el vídeo. Abajo verás un enlace junto a ‘Lugar’. Justo esa URL es el enlace de descarga de tu vídeo de YouTube.


Cópialo y pégalo en la barra de tu navegador Chrome o Firefox. En este momento pueden ocurrir dos cosas: que se inicie la reproducción del vídeo o bien se muestre una ventana para iniciar la descarga.

Si ocurre lo primero, pincha en cualquier parte del vídeo y selecciona ‘Guardar vídeo como’ y ahí podrás definir la carpeta de destino de tu ordenador donde quieres guardar el vídeo. Si por el contrario ocurre lo segundo (la ventana para iniciar la descarga) bastará con que definas dónde quieres guardar el archivo.

lunes, septiembre 11, 2017

Mobirise Review

De: https://www.cmscritic.com/mobirise-review/

Mobirise is an offline website builder for Windows and Mac, meaning that it needs to be downloaded to your desktop.
The drag-and-drop based website builder was born out of the Netherlands, and is designed to construct small-medium sized websites, landing pages, portfolios, and other such low-functionality websites.
It's marketed as user friendly for non-techies, minimalist, and totally free (even for commercial use).
Website builders don't need to much of an introduction. Startups, entrepreneurs and small businesses use them to kickstart their online presence, and they usually want to achieve that as quickly and as easily as possible. Oh, and without touching a line of code, too.
Let's see if Mobirise can rise to the challenge. Here's a video to get us started.

Initial Thoughts

The Mobirise website is clean and simple, for the most part.

Download buttons dominate the homepage, and it looks like a very inviting piece of software right off the bat. Minimalist indeed.
Yet, further down the homepage, lies an array of review quotes and testimonials. And when I say there is an array, I mean there is an array.

It's a little overkill to say the least. Not a massive deal, but clutter on the homepage of a website builder that touts simplicity isn't a convincing quality.

Getting Started

What's that? A website builder that I can't use through my web browser? Perish the thought.
But hold on just one second.
You may have to download and install Mobirise before you can use it - but believe me when I tell you that it's quicker to set up than most hosted website builders that require no downloads.
With Mobirise, you don't need to sign up or divulge any information whatsoever to begin downloading. The downloadable file is relatively small, installation is lightning fast, and there's no forms to fill out at any stage.
It went from a .zip file on my desktop to a ready-to-roll website builder in a matter of seconds. Impressive.

Page Creation

The page creation capabilities of a website builder help to define it as a platform. Unsurprisingly, Mobirise stays true to its focus on minimalism when it comes to page building.
The platform starts you off with a generic homepage, with a customization menu that can activated via an orange button at the bottom-right of the interface.

There are no standalone templates as such. Instead, you can choose from a number of different page blocks, piecing them together in a mix-and-match fashion to build a one-pager style website.

This method ensures that users stays within a pre-defined boundary when it comes to design, with just enough wiggle room to make some customizations. Such customizations include; images, videos, text, background images, background colours, show/hide elements, content aligning, and more.

I think there's a healthy balance struck here. The customization options aren't going to allow you to build anything drastically unique, but there's just enough there to help put your own stamp on your website.
As previously mentioned, this pre-defined design boundary will, in a way, push users towards creating a website that looks good, rather than leaving them to their own, (often inexperienced) devices.
In other words, if you suck as web design, you'll love Mobirise's method of website building.

I say that particularly because Mobirise's page blocks are so well put together. They include a selection of full-page sliders, information blocks, maps, forms, a pricing table, and more.
Upon hovering, each block presents three buttons in the top-right; Drag Block, Block Parameters and Delete Block.

The first option allows you to drag-and-drop the block above and below other blocks, essentially rearranging your website like Lego. The Delete Block button is pretty self explanatory.
As for the Block Parameters button, this brings up those customizations I mentioned earlier, allowing you to edit the block in question. Different block types comes with different parameters, too.

For example, a navigation menu block will give you the option to make the menu sticky, meaning that it will scroll down the page with the visitor; remaining visible at all times.
Further customization can be done by simply pointing and clicking on page elements. Otherwise known as inline editing. For example, clicking on a "Download" button brings up options to change the buttons color, and edit the text right there and then.

To add a new page to the existing homepage, you can go to the menu on the left, "Pages", and then "Create New Page". further page options enable you to clone pages, edit file names, set page titles, and add meta descriptions.
I feel that now is a good time to highlight the speed of Mobirise. I tinkered with all of the above settings, re-arranged page blocks and edited page elements - and it was a piece of cake. Mobirise is supremely speedy and responsive, just as a website builder should be.

Multi-Site Management & Publishing

Similarly, you can add a brand new website from the same side menu, by clicking "Sites" and "Create New Site".
Mobirise presents a grid-list of your existing sites on that same menu, allowing you to quickly switch between projects. Ideal for a developer with multple clients, one might say.
The site manager section also allows you to export a website, assign a favicon, and add a Google Analytics tracking code.
When it comes to actually publishing your website, Mobirise gives you a few options.

You can publish it to a local drive, upload it via FTP or use Google Drive. All three options seem to work fine, and they're solid options to make use of, too.

Apps & Extras

Mobirise has a couple of extra features which help round it off.
Firstly, there's the ability to preview your website in desktop view, tablet view and smartphone view. Just to ensure all those responsive pages are looking spcik and spam.

Plus, you can preview the website in your web browser.
You can also import and export Mobirise websites, which is cool if you're looking to share your work with somebody else, or move one website between two different accounts or devices.
There are only four extensions bundled. These are; Facebook Comments, Soundcloud, Code Editor & Google Analytics. However, the Code Editor is very highly priced, at $69.

Mobirise is showing its youth here I think. Four extensions is certainly nothing to write home about, and I think this should be an area of focus for the Mobirise team. I also think that charging $69 for a website builder's Code Editor is a little bit too bold. The price needs adjusting, if you ask me.
Extensions like Google Maps, Instagram photos, Disqus comments, a form builder and other standard extensions would all be welcome.

Getting Help

As far as help and support is concerned, there's not much to go on.
In fact, apart from some social media handles and an email address, there's no other way to reach out for support from official channels. There isn't even any documentation, which isn't really acceptable.
I would have expected a simple "Help" option somewhere on the website builder, or perhaps a document that comes bundled with the download. But surprisingly, there's nothing to help guide website building newbies at all.
The only saving grace is that Mobirise truly is easy to use out of the box. But still, that's no excuse.

The Verdict

Mobirise is an extremely simple website builder, and because that's exactly what it aims to be, I'm a big fan.
The level of customization that a newbie can implement is of a good level. There's limits on what can be created, which means they won't get lost in any complex menus. More experienced users can delve further into customization via the Code Editor extension (if they want to cough up the cash).
I'm also impressed with the quality of the blocks which can be dragged-and-dropped into place. They're the foundations of Mobirise, and they're brilliantly designed, with each one looking highly professional out of the box.
I have a few gripes, though. There aren't enough extensions to play with, and I feel that the page blocks could be a little more diverse. A few more different styles will provide just enough choice to ensure that users aren't constantly building similar looking websites.
Also, documentation and support need to be worked on. A user manual would be nice, and so would some FAQs on the Mobirise website.
Other than that though, Mobirise has won me over with its simplicity and speed.


  • Mobirise is extremely quick and easy to download and install.
  • Lego-like page blocks can be dragged-and-dropped into place, helping users construct websites that already look great.
  • All the pre-designed blocks are sleek and professional looking.
  • Customization options are pretty good, allowing for some useful modifications. An optional (yet expensive) Code Editor extension also gives experienced users complete control.
  • In-line editing plays right into the hands of inexperienced web designers. Point, Click, Edit.
  • You can upload the finished website via FTP, Google Drive or to a local server.
  • Easy to manage multiple sites.
  • Browser, Tablet and smartphone previews are easily accessible.
  • Everything is quick, responsive and bug-free. Mobirise is genuinely pleasant to use.


  • Not a hosted solution.
  • Not many extensions at all.
  • Documentation & support options are lousy.

Final Remarks

If a website building novice asks me to point them in the direction of a totally free website builder, Mobirise will now be high on my list of recommendations. I'm that impressed.
I expected to find some bugs somewhere along the line. Perhaps an unresponsive button or a slowly reacting page element. But I found nothing of the sort. Mobirise is a dream to use.
Aside from the aforementioned documentation and support issues, the only problem I can see is that a newbie website builder will flinch at the idea of having to find a web hosting environment for his or her Mobirise website. They would much prefer a hosted solution to take care of those technicalities.
Maybe I'm being pedantic, but it seems to me that Mobirise has been built for the same people who wouldn't even know how to "Publish" their site using FTP or Google Drive.
However, if the idea of uploading and hosting your own website doesn't bother you, I'd strongly recommend giving Mobirise a whirl.

Besides, it's a free platform that takes under a minute to set up, can be used by anybody, and can be hosted anywhere. What more could you want?

jueves, junio 22, 2017

DbSharp -DAL generator tool-

DbSharp -DAL generator tool-


Higty, 21 Jun 2017

4.96 (37 votes)

DbSharp is a DAL Generator. It generates a StoredProcedure client class that enables you to call stored procedure easily. DbSharp also creates Table and Record classes that enables you to CRUD operation.

lunes, junio 19, 2017

10 Ways to Search Google for Information That 96% of People Don’t Know About

[From: https://brightside.me/wonder-curiosities/10-ways-to-search-google-for-information-that-96-of-people-dont-know-about-256760/?utm_source=fb_brightside&utm_medium=fb_organic&utm_campaign=fb_gr_5mincrafts]

In our era of advanced technology and high-speed Internet connections, you can find information on virtually anything. In the space of just a few minutes, we can find recipes for the tastiest pie or learn all about the theory of wave-particle duality.

But more often than not, we have to sift through a vast body of knowledge to get the information we need, and this can take hours rather than minutes. This is why Bright Side has put together a list of the most effective methods for searching Google to help you find the precious material you’re looking for in just a couple of clicks.

2. Searching using synonyms

Our language is rich in synonyms. Sometimes this can be very convenient when doing research online. If you need to find websites on a given subject rather than those that include a specific phrase, add the "~" symbol to your search.

For example, if you search for the term "healthy ~food" you’ll get results about the principles of healthy eating, cooking recipes, as well as healthy dining options.

3. Searching within websites

Sometimes you read an interesting article on a website and find yourself subsequently wanting to share it with your friends or simply reread it. The easiest way to find the desired piece of information again is to search within the website. To do this, type the address of the site, then a key word or entire phrase from the article, and it should come up immediately.

4. The power of the asterisk

When our cunning memory decides to prevent us from recalling that one key word, phrase, or number we need in order to find what we’re looking for, you can turn to the powerful "*" symbol. Just use this in the place of the word/phrase you can’t remember, and you should be able to find the results you’re looking for.

5. When lots of words are missing

If it’s the lengthier half of the phrase you can’t remember rather than a single key word, try writing out the first and last words and putting “AROUND + (the approximate number of missing words)“ between them. For example, ”I wandered AROUND(4) cloud."

6. Using a time frame

Sometimes we urgently need to acquaint ourselves with events that occurred during a certain period of time. To do so, you can add a time frame to your search query with the help of three dots between the dates. For example, if we want to find out about scientific discoveries during the 20th century, we can write:

xxxx 1900…2000

7. Searching for a title or URL

To help find the key words and name of an article, type “intitle:“ before the search term, without any spaces between them. In order to find the words from a URL, use ”inurl:".

8. Finding similar websites

If you’ve found something you really like online and want to find similar websites, type in "related:" and then the address of the site, again without a space between them.

9. Whole phrases

Framing the search term within quotation marks is the simplest and most effective way to find something specific and in the exact order you typed it in.

For example, if you type in the words I’m picking up good vibrations without quotation marks, the search engine will show the results where these words appear in any order on a website, as opposed to the specific order in which you typed them.

10. Unimportant search words

To remove unimportant search words from your query, simply write a minus symbol before each one. For example, if you want to find a site about interesting books, but you aren’t looking to buy them, you can write the following: